An attacker with high physical access can exploit this vulnerability to read the contents of stack memory or global memory. This information could help with explotation of other vulnerabilities in DXE to elevate privileges from ring 3 or ring 0 (depends on the operating system) to a DXE driver and execute arbitrary code. Malicious code installed as a result of this exploitation could survive operating system (OS) boot process and runtime, or modify NVRAM area on the SPI flash storage (to gain persistence). Additionally, threat actors could use this vulnerability to bypass OS security mechanisms (modify privileged memory or runtime variables), influence OS boot process, and in some cases allow an attacker to hook or modify EFI Runtime services.
Binarly REsearch Team has discovered a memory contents leak / information disclosure vulnerability that allows a potential attacker to dump stack memory or global memory into an NVRAM variable. This in turn could help building a successful attack vector based on exploiting a memory corruption vulnerability.
An attacker with high physical access can exploit this vulnerability to read the contents of stack memory or global memory. This information could help with explotation of other vulnerabilities in DXE to elevate privileges from ring 3 or ring 0 (depends on the operating system) to a DXE driver and execute arbitrary code. Malicious code installed as a result of this exploitation could survive operating system (OS) boot process and runtime, or modify NVRAM area on the SPI flash storage (to gain persistence). Additionally, threat actors could use this vulnerability to bypass OS security mechanisms (modify privileged memory or runtime variables), influence OS boot process, and in some cases allow an attacker to hook or modify EFI Runtime services.
Let's take Latitude 3300's firmware (version:, module sha256: 242a5ea5ff855aed77a41207d3f43546b13a32bb5ceab4e333e7b5f0958afb8a) as an example.
The following code in the module actually allows leaking memory:
offset: 0xe7cc
offset: 0xe9be
__int64 __fastcall sub_E790()
__int64 result; // rax
unsigned int v1; // eax
unsigned __int64 i; // rbx
unsigned int v3; // edx
unsigned int v4; // ecx
char v5; // dl
bool v6; // cl
int v7; // edi
int v8; // esi
unsigned __int64 v9; // rcx
__int64 v10[7]; // [rsp+30h] [rbp-38h] BYREF
int v11; // [rsp+70h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
unsigned int v12; // [rsp+78h] [rbp+10h] BYREF
unsigned int v13; // [rsp+80h] [rbp+18h] BYREF
__int64 v14; // [rsp+88h] [rbp+20h] BYREF
v10[0] = 5360i64;
gRT->GetVariable( // <= first call (we can rewrite DataSize here)
(CHAR16 *)L"CpuSetup",
(UINT32 *)&v14,
(UINTN *)v10,
result = sub_21B94(3i64, -2147483624, (char *)&v13, &v11);
if ( !v11 )
v1 = v13;
for ( i = 0i64; i <= 3; ++i )
if ( i )
if ( i == 1 )
v3 = v1 >> 5;
v4 = v1 >> 9;
else if ( i == 2 )
v3 = v1 >> 15;
v4 = v1 >> 19;
v3 = v1 >> 20;
v4 = HIBYTE(v1);
LOBYTE(v3) = v1;
v4 = v1 >> 4;
v5 = v3 & 0xF;
v6 = (v4 & 1) == 0;
if ( *((_BYTE *)&unk_2E570 + i + 1438) == 1 && v6 )
v7 = v5 & 0xF;
v8 = v7 << 16;
sub_21B94(3i64, (v7 << 16) | 0x80000118, (char *)&v12, &v11);
if ( !v11 )
v9 = (100000 * ((unsigned __int64)v12 >> 16) + 0x80000) >> 20;
*((_WORD *)&unk_2E570 + i + 721) = (100000 * (unsigned __int64)(unsigned __int16)v12 + 0x80000) >> 20;
*((_WORD *)&unk_2E570 + i + 725) = v9;
sub_21B94(3i64, v8 | 0x80000518, (char *)&v12, &v11);
if ( !v11 )
*((_WORD *)&unk_2E570 + i + 753) = v12;
sub_21B94(3i64, v8 | 0x80000718, (char *)&v12, &v11);
if ( !v11 )
*((_WORD *)&unk_2E570 + i + 757) = (1000 * v12 + 4096) >> 13;
sub_21B94(3i64, (v7 << 8) | 0x80000019, (char *)&v12, &v11);
if ( !v11 )
*((_WORD *)&unk_2E570 + i + 761) = v12 & 0x7FFF;
v1 = v13;
return gRT->SetVariable( // <= second call
(CHAR16 *)L"CpuSetup",
return result;
The gRT->SetVariable()
service is called with the DataSize
as an argument, which will be overwritten inside the gRT->GetVariable()
service if the length of CpuSetup
NVRAM variable is greater than 5360
Thus, a potential attacker can dump X - 5360
bytes from the stack (or global memory) into CpuSetup NVRAM variable by setting CpuSetup
NVRAM variable's size to X > 5360
To fix this vulnerability the DataSize
must be re-initialized with the size of CpuSetup
before calling gRT->SetVariable()
This bug is subject to a 90 day disclosure deadline. After 90 days elapsed or a patch has been made broadly available (whichever is earlier), the bug report will become visible to the public.
Binarly REsearch Team